Production management module – the most difficult, complicated and time-consuming module of all ERP modules. Because of the diversity of each field, and the specific characteristics of each industry, we need to customize base on each feature to achieve the best result.

Businesses need to clearly define specific goals and scope of implementation to help the project be implemented successfully and efficiently.

Benefits of the production management module brings

Specialized management program for production, divided into several groups. Meet the individual process of each production unit:

– Continuous Manufacturing

– Discrete Manufacturing

– Project Manufacturing

Flexible reporting system that the application is according to each specific management process. Helping businesses manage easily complex production processes.

Users declare information about the quota of raw materials, production process, production capacity of resources: labor, machinery, tools, time, cost,… The system will support production planning, material requirement planning,… Helping businesses make accurate and efficient production decisions.

– Support production planning, determine the optimal production time. Synthesize demand, determine production capacity, estimate time, materials… for each WIP (Work in process), finished product. Utilize resources reasonably and effectively to respond the production demands of enterprises.

– Determine material demands. Respond production plans through system-wide information aggregation. Create bill of material for supplies and forward them to the supply department.

Before announce the master manufacture order, the system needs to re-plan the resources.

Manage the production process through functions. Monitoring production progress according to orders, production batches, statistics, recording the consumption of raw materials, …. the system will analyze the data then give a spreadsheet of product costs and operational efficiency manufacturing.

The production module is integrated tightly with other modules on a single system. The software share data, information, and support all processes in the business to perform truthfully and improve productivity.

ERP supports the calculation of production costs, through the most accurate analysis of the system-wide database. Helping businesses have an overview and instant on production. Determine profit and loss in your production activities.

The production management module performs production quality management, and manages the quality standards of each material, wip (work in process), and finished goods. The system collect sample to planning automatically, recording test results as a basis for analysis, quality improvement, and product development.

Support the research and development of new products. Manage the construction process, change and update the raw material norms for new products and then put them into official production.

Notes when deploying the production management module

1. Determine the requirements and scope of deployment of the production management module

Businesses need to make requirements that are appropriate to the situation. In order to fully exploit the benefits that ERP – production management module brings.

The implementing department needs to carefully consider the requirements of the business to implement the project with the best result.

2. Select and unify the process

The production module will usually be deployed after the other modules have worked well. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a solution for the case where there is no production module and put the production module into operation as feasible and effective. In which, the structure of the code, how to organize statistics, how to divide the stages, cost analysis requirements, and costs will directly affect how to declare and update BOM/Routing.

3. Ensure system architecture

ERP is a system designed on an overall architecture. The modules have tight integration with each other, through the built-in system of automation processes. Helping businesses control resources well, optimize production and business activities.

The process of building and implementing solutions needs to follow the right process. Make sure the system architecture is not affected. Because the production management module is a core part of the ERP architecture system.

To implement the production management module successfully and effectively. Enterprises need to clearly define the requirements and scope of implementation, choose an appropriate ERP solution, and choose a reputable and experienced implementation consultant.
